Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Introduction to Safety Squeeze

Well, here it is, a new blog, from the dude that brought you  Yes, I've wanted to create a blog dedicated to sports for a while, but I was sort of in the camp of, "there's already a million different blogs about sports, why should I even bother jumping in to that?" but now, I've given in, after thinking about it far too much.

Now, if this gets updated as much as Bloggerated gets updated, this will be pretty useless.  I've tried to build something over there, and quite frankly, it's not working.  I'll keep doing it because I enjoy the attention it brings, but here is where I can write about what I really love, and that's baseball.

What you'll find on this site is nothing but baseball talk.  I don't have interest in being funny, or being to witty. I guess if that happens, it happens, but mostly, I just want to put my thoughts about the goings on past and present in this wonderful game that I love so much.

Baseball, for me, was my first sports love.  I've fallen in and out of love with the game over the years, with other sports and activities taking my attention away from it, but it always comes back.  Recently, I had one of those moments where i fell out of love with the game.  It happened at the end of the 2011 season.  It should be noted that I am a pretty huge Braves fan, but I don't want that to deter any Mets fans or Phillies fans from reading this blog.  I tend see things as they really are, but I can also be a pretty big homer sometimes.

With all that said, I mentioned above that I had fallen out of love with the game of baseball for a while there.  Acutally, I can say that most of the 2011 season, I was less than enthusiasic about baseball.  I was in serious hockey mode, then serious football mode, as my beloved 49ers got pretty good last year.  Living in Nashville, we have a hockey team here, the Predators, that I my number one love as far as sports teams go. At the end of last season, my Braves lost on the last day of the season and were knocked out of the playoffs.  This burned me so hard, I barely watched any of the post season.  I didn't care.  My baseball soul was crushed.

This season started and I barely noticed.  The NHL playoffs were getting started and that was all I cared about.  But once the Preds were eliminated, and I hate to say that was the catalyst to me finding the game of baseball again, but it's true, I started watching the wonderful Ken Burns baseball documentary.

Watching that, it reminded me just why I love the game.  Ball players, playing ball.  It gets no better than that.

So I stared watching a lot of baseball, borderline obsession, just like it was 2005 again.  That's when I watched the most baseball.  And I'm back, as a huge fan once again.

So I have all these thoughts about baseball rattling around my head, why don't I have a place to write them down, eh?  So here it is, the Safety Squeeze,  I care not about stories like "the Barves" or other meme-type stories around baseball.  I care about Stephen Strasburg.  I care about Martin Prado.  I care about the Red Sox in last place, the latest into the season they've been in last in the East since 1997.

I'm not a good writer.  I'm not a huge wealth of stats, though I am sort of a stat head.  I'm not a fantasy baseball guy, so I don't care about fantasy baseball.  I just care about baseball, as a game.  Here is where I'll write about things in baseball I think about.  

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