Monday, September 23, 2013

How's Everybody Doing?

Hey, how's everybody doing?  Well that's great to hear, assuming you said you're doing well.  If you're a Pirates or Reds fan, you're probalby doing alright.  If you're a Indians or Rays fan, you're probably doing decent, but a little on edge.  If you're a Yankees or Orioles fan, you're probably not doing all that great right now.  If you're a Rangers fan, you have got to be feeling anxious, yet confident.  If you're a Royals fan, you're just happy to be in this convorstion now, aren't you?  So I assume the Royals fan is doing pretty alright considering everything.  The Dodgers, Braves, Red Sox or Cardinals fan, you're doing just fine, thanks you very much.  Tigers, well, you haven't exactly clinched anything yet, but you're feeling alright, I imagine.

Yes, it's the final week of the regular season, and I'm pretty sad about it.  (as I'm typing this, I'm watching the Rays and Orioles game and Manny Machado just went down with an injury to his leg.  Didn't look good, and that certainly isn't good for the Orioles...anyway) I'm sad because I'm going to miss all the baseball, all the time.  I know that the postseason is special, but it's not the same as some random White Sox Astros game in the middle of the season, you know what I mean?  It becomes less of a passtime in October, and hearts start getting broken.  As a Braves fan, I know my heart is about to be broken again this year, because that's the nature of the beast.  If my team happens to win the thing, I'd be elated, but I have to keep my hopes high, but my expectations tempered.  Crushing losses in the past few seasons had left me jaded and disenchanted with the game of baseball for a while there.  I'm so emotionally invested in this season and this team, but I know what's coming.  I've seen this movie before.

Anyway, this has been a fun season.  It's had it's stories and it's shenanigans and what have you.  It's had it's heroes and goats.  I probably wont' remember this season as like, anything other than entertaining at best, it's still one of the most important seasons in my life, as far as a fan goes.  I continue to learn so much more about the game everyday, even though I've been such a fan for all of my life.  That's what so great about this game, there's always something new to explore about it.

So I just wanted to stop by and type my thoughts about this stuff.  I'm excited to see what happens in the postseason.  Here's to hoping for something special.
